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4th Transparency Awards

As part of the 4th Transparency Awards in 2018, we’ve introduced the Youth Category. The winning project idea envisioned a workshop with courses focusing on design, with issues like transparency, accountability and corruption in mind. The participants would produce striking designs in order to draw public attention to the dangers of corruption and to promote transparency. The works would be voted and then selected for display, with the first three designs obtaining a prize as part of our Transparency Schools project, funded by the Swedish Consulate in İstanbul.

The winning project started to come together in 2019. The workshop took place in December 2019. The selected work that came out of it is now on display as part of the Digital Art for Transparency Exhibit. You can see some of the works that are on display here along with TI Board Member and TI Turkey Chair Oya Özarslan and TI Turkey Board Member Diğdem Soyaltın presenting the prizes.

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